Free Sterile Processing CEUs

Professional development and training for healthcare leaders

At Censis, we’re focused on creating continuing education opportunities that excite and develop our healthcare leaders. Our industry-certified continuing education programs help keep you in compliance with yearly recertification (CEU) credits. You’ll learn from healthcare professionals, surgical tracking experts, perioperative clinical professionals, and other diverse industry experts on best practices, current trends, and more.

Keep Your Accreditation With Censis

All Programs are Accredited for Healthcare Sterile Processing Association (HSPA – formerly IAHCSMM) and Certification Board for Sterile Processing and Distribution (CBSPD). Additional programs are recognized (approved) by CCI for Certified Perioperative Nurse (CNOR), Certified Surgical Services Manager (CSSM), and Clinical Nurse Specialist Perioperative (CNS-CP) continuing education.

Lost in Space: 100% Used: Addressing Missing Instruments in our Journey to Tray Optimization

Presenters: Amanda Wilcox, Rebecca Peplau, Jardin Carlton and Hank Balch | Credits: 1 CE

Lost in Space: Instruments Rediscovered: The Power of Data Analytics

Presenters: Seamus Johnson | Credits: 1 CE

Lost in Space: I Will Find You: The Man on a Mission to End Missing Instruments

Presenters: Hank Balch and John Rowe | Credits: 1 CE

Lost in Space: Unraveling the Mystery of Disappearing Surgical Instruments

Presenters: Hank Balch, Marty McGhee, and Robin Adkins | Credits: 1 CE

Lost in Space: Mayos are from Mars, Vascular Clamps are from Venus: Into the Inventory Universe

Presenters: Hank Balch | Credits: 1 CE

Sterile Processing Economics with Mark Copeland

Presenters: Mark Copeland & Vanessa Cavanaugh | Credits: 1 CE

CtUC 2021 | Utilizing CensiTrac: The Lifecycle of a Container

Presenter: Kelly Swails | Credits: 1 CE

CtUC 2021 | Leadership Amid Changing Times

Presenter: Derek Murray | Credits: 1 CE

CtUC 2021 | Utilizing CensiTrac to Reduce IUSS Processing

Presenter: Kelly Swails | Credits: 1 CE

Tracking to Infinity and Beyond with an Instrument Tracking System

Presenters: Seamus Johnson & Jacob Long | Credits: 1 CE

Power Panel: Quality vs. Productivity, the Sterile Processing Battle Royale

Presenters: Hank Balch, Seamus Johnson, Courtney Mace Davis, Lila Price | Credits: 1 CE

CtUC 2023 | Digital Mastery: Elevating Reliability with Electronic Competency in CensiTrac

Presenters: Sheryl Eder & Dawn Hiatt | Credits: 1 CE

CtUC 2023 | Compliance Navigator: Reporting Strategies for Meeting Joint Commission Standards

Presenters: Jan Prudent, BA, CRCST, CIS, CFER, CER, CHL, FCS | Credits: 1 CE

CtUC 2023 | Time is on Your Side: Exploring the Renewability and Preciousness of Time

Presenters: Lindsay Brown, Beyond Clean | Credits: 1 CE

CtUC 2023 | Unifying Success: Leveraging CensiTrac Metrics for Consistent Excellence Here, There, and Everywhere

Presenter: Robby Miller, BSHA, CRCST, CER, CIS, CHL | Credits: 1 CE

CtUC 2023 | The (Not So) Secret to Censis Success: Users Speak Out on Winning with Data

Presenters: Robby Miller, Jan Prudent & Sheryl Eder | Credits: 1 CE

CtUC 2023 | Compliance Made Easy: Aligning ScopeTrac Advanced with AAMI ST91 Standards

Presenter: Kelly Swails, MAOL, CRCST, CHL, CIS, CER, ST | Credits: 1 CE

CtUC 2023 | On the Receiving End of Safe Surgery

Presenters: Dr. Jill Melicher & Lindsay Brown | Credits: 1 CE

CtUC 2023 | Get Switched On

Presenter: Chip Eichelberger | Credits: 1 CE

Tracking Medical Devices Using The Unique Device Identifier (UDI)

Presenter: Jean Sargent, CMRP, FAHRMM, FCS | Credits: 1 CE

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Continuing Education Articles

On the Hunt for Missing Instruments to Save Time, Money, and Resources

  1. Identify what areas you should focus on to solve missing instrument problems.
  2. Learn from other sterile processing professionals about...

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An Open Conversation About Productivity and Efficiency in Sterile Processing

1.    Discuss challenges to measure productivity in sterile processing departments. 2. Learn 5 ways SPDs can improve productivity and...

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Cracking the Code: Finding, Hiring, and Maintaining Top Talent for SPD

1.    Learn how to overcome hiring obstacles.  2.    Discuss interview practices to determine optimal candidates.  3. Learn how to keep employees...

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Motivating the Unproductive Technician: How to Keep Productivity High in Sterile Processing Departments

1.    Determine what exactly an unproductive technician is.   2.    Learn what creates an unproductive SPD tech.  3. How to engage an unproductive...

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Productivity and Quality: A Match Made in Reprocessing Heaven

  1. Understanding the clinical benefits of quality and quantity.
  2. Improving quality and quantity by creating SPD efficiencies.
  3. Connecting...

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Work Smarter, Not Harder: Doing More With the Resources You Have

  1. Learn how SPDs can overcome limited resources to produce quality instrumentation.
  2. Discover how to implement small process changes that...

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Knowing Your Numbers: How to Become a Data-Driven SPD

  1. Leveraging your data to see the bigger picture in SPD management.

2. Using an instrument tracking system to improve training and...

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Ensuring Patient Safety: The Crucial Role of Documentation in the Sterile Processing Department

  1. Identify what areas you could focus on for a Joint Commission Survey.
  2. Learn key guidelines to get prepared for accreditation surveys.
  3. ...

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Maximizing ROI: Why a Usage-Based Maintenance Plan Supports SPDs

  1. Learn how to develop a preventative maintenance program tailored to specific SPD needs.
  2. Understand how to use preventative maintenance...

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Why Hospitals and Vendors Turn to LoanerLink to Improve Communications

  1. Understand the basics of LoanerLink and how it can better serve your organization.
  2. Recognize the benefits of using LoanerLink,...

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The People & Patients Behind the Great Productivity vs. Quality Debate

  1. Learn about how productivity & quality relate to each other.
  2. Identify reasons why productivity is undervalued.
  3. Understand the impact of...

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How to Hack Your Reporting Strategy

  1. Learn Censis solution reporting organization and functionality.
  2. Discuss common sterile processing and perioperative metrics captured and...

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How Social Media Can Benefit SPD Professionals

  1. Distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate use of social media.
  2. Recognize the skill enhancing benefits of social media and other...

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How Instrument Tracking Software Helps You Prepare for Your Next Survey

  1. Use CensiTrac for completely paperless load records across all reprocessing modalities.
  2. Use CensiTrac’s Efficiency Task workflow to...

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Planning Ahead: Instrument marking and creating a plan to commission them into your system

  1. Understand the benefits of marking surgical instrumentation.
  2. Identify the importance of commissioning marked surgical instruments into a...

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Spring Cleaning: How to Effectively Maintain Washer Compliance

  1. Learn how to effectively document cleaning steps in SPD.
  2. Identify ways to maintain washer compliance through regular maintenance and...

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The Circle of Loaners – Managing Loaner Sets Effectively from Check-In to Check-Out

  1. Learn what loaner and consignment sets are.
  2. Identify how to effectively track and manage loaner sets in your facility.
  3. Understand how to...

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Assessment Readiness: How a Clinical Eye Can Prepare You for Future Assessments

  1. Understand why it’s important to prepare every day for an assessment.
  2. Identify common assessment discoveries.
  3. Learn how a CensiTrac...

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Creative Competency Strategies to Hardware Technician Excellence

  1. Learn the definition of sterile processing competencies.
  2. Understand the importance of competency reinforcement throughout the year.
  3. ...

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Can Instrument Tracking Data Be a Resume Gold Mine for your Career?

  1. Understand the recruiting challenges sterile processing departments are facing today.
  2. Learn how real department data can improve a...

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